Professional meetings


Presentation, purpose, opinions, members and management.

Presentation, purpose and leadership of the DSO section

Presentation, purpose and leadership of the ZDM POA section.

Presentation, leadership and purpose of young doctors.

Association of Family Physicians

The SZD General Medicine Section, the predecessor of the SZD Family Medicine Association, was founded in the autumn of 1966 by new specialists in general medicine. The association was the central organization of family medicine in its efforts to establish specialization, teaching family medicine at the undergraduate level, research activity and the quality of our work. history up to 1992 in the book General Medicine in Slovenia described cf. mag. Tone Košir.

Professional education

The Slovenian Medical Association - the Association of Family Physicians of Slovenia takes care of constant education. They organize several events, professional meetings and trainings annually. In addition to online professional trainings such as E-MEDICINE and the ONLINE QUALITY COURSE, they organize meetings such as:

Where the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.


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